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Linha 26: Linha 26:
|A1= |B1= Redstone |C1=
|A1= |B1= Redstone |C1=
|A2= Redstone |B2= Pedra Luminosa |C2= Redstone
|A2= Redstone |B2= Pedra luminosa |C2= Redstone
|A3= |B3= Redstone |C3=
|A3= |B3= Redstone |C3=
|Output= Lâmpada de Redstone
|Output= Lâmpada de Redstone

Edição das 16h29min de 5 de setembro de 2020

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Predefinição:Block Uma lâmpada de redstone é um bloco acastanhado (quando desligada; dourada quando ligada) visualmente assemelhado a pedra Luminosa (devido a seus materiais de criação) que emite luz enquanto é alimentada. Enquanto alimentada, elas têm uma luminosidade de 15, um nível mais elevado do que uma tocha e o mesmo nível de iluminação como pedra luminosa. Elas necessitam de entrada constante, a fim de emitir luz. Semelhante a outros blocos emissores de luz, eles vão derreter neve e gelo nas proximidades.


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O comportamento da lâmpada de Redstone é o mesmo que um bloco opaco padrão:

  • Opaco, bloqueia toda a luz.
  • pode ser colocado no bloco normalmente (tochas, alavancas, botões, abóboras, etc.).
  • Cria uma liga de pó de redstone do lado do bloco quando recebe uma carga de redstone por cima ou pelo lado.
  • Cuts a redstone dust side-of-block link (and thus redstone power transmission) that existed between two redstone dusts, one on top a block and the other on the side of that block, when the redstone lamp is placed on top of the lower-level dust.
  • Becomes weakly powered when placed adjacent to powered redstone dust, propagating redstone power to redstone components but not to other redstone dust.
  • Becomes strongly powered when connected to a powered redstone power source or any powered transmission component (other than redstone dust), propagating redstone power to both redstone components and redstone dust.
  • When placed next to a powered opaque block (including other redstone lamps), a redstone lamp will activate (turn on) but is not powered (it won't power adjacent dust or other redstone components).
  • Exception: Despite usually being an opaque block, an activated redstone lamp allows sky light to go through it (but diffused, reducing its light level by 1). Since the block light of the activated lamp will always be higher than the sky light it allows through, this can only be seen with the F3 debug screen.

A redstone lamp activates normally, but takes 2 ticks to deactivate. However, this delay does not apply to any object receiving power through the redstone lamp (meaning the lamp can not be used to add delays to a signal like a repeater).


Lâmpadas de Redstone podem ser utilizadas como uma fonte de luz funcional e atraente.Em locais onde lâmpadas são ligadas a um interruptor, deve-se ter a precaução de não deixar as lâmpadas desligadas pois, geralmente, multidões costumam a spawnar em cômodos não iluminados. Isso pode ser usado como vantagem para o jogador. Em uma armadilha baseada em geradores de monstros, por exemplo, lâmpadas de redstones e um interruptor podem ser utilizadas para serem ativadas e aumentar o nível de iluminação e temporariamente prevenir multidões de nascer. De maneira similar, lâmpadas podem ser desligadas para permitir o crescimento de grandes cogumelos e depois religadas para prevenir aparecimento de multidões.

Redstone lamps can also be used to create a redstone display as an alternative for redstone torches, which do not emit much light. The player creating such a display however should be aware that each "pixel" is a small cross making straight lines impossible. This can be corrected by making the screen 2 blocks (of any redstone conducting block) thick. Then add levers or some other activator on one side of the display. On the opposite side, only one pixel will be displayed.

Alternatively: to make a solid wall of square 2*2 pixels, this arrangement can be used. The redstone wires exit the back every second horizontal and vertical square, meaning that they can be individually controlled.

A system of redstone lamps wired to a daylight sensor with an inverted signal can be used to illuminate a structure at night automatically. A half day clock can also be used as long as the clock is synchronized properly to spawning light levels of mobs.

Because mobs can spawn on unlit lamps it makes them a great way to make a mob killing system because you can control when you want the mobs to spawn by having the lights on or off. You can also hook up a bunch of lamps to a line of repeaters to make a timed light.

Redstone lamps may also be used for automated mushroom farming, since a mushroom will "pop" if the light level becomes too high.


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Antes das lâmpadas de Redstone, Notch queria implementar um item chamdado de Lanterna, mas a ideia foi descartada e só depois emergiu como a Lâmpada de Redstone; entretanto, existem muitas diferenças entre as duas.

Com a adição da lanterna, as tochas iriam apagar e necessitariam ser reacendidas com aço e sílex. A lanterna serviria como fonte permanente de luz. De acordo com Notch quando o update ocorresse, todas as tochas colocadas no mapa, no inventário e nos baúsdisponíveis para o update seria convertidas em lanternas. Para isso, todas as lanternas usariam a ID do bloco(prévio) das tochas junto com a nova aparência.

A glowstone introduzidas no Halloween Update era um item de requerimento potencial para fazer as lanternas, sendo um material bruto de grande luminescência. Isso também faria com que lanternas fossem um item relativamente inacessível e arriscado de conseguir, como indicado por Notch. Um segundo item de requerimento potencial para elaborar lanternas seria Netherrack, um bloco que queima e nunca se apaga quando aceso. Glowstone pode ser obtido negociando com villagers e também é obtivdo no Nether junto com o Netherrack.


Problemas relacionados com "Redstone Lamp" são mantidos no rastreador de erros. Reporte problemas lá, em inglês.


  • In Notch's Ludum Dare 22 contest entry, Minicraft, lanterns can be made in the crafting table.[1]
  • If you set the redstone lamp on a timer so it turns on and off and you shoot an arrow at the top or side, the arrow will vibrate while making the sound of the arrow sticking to a block.
  • Although it makes the sound of glass (like glowstone, glass pane, and glass) when broken, it acts like a solid block.
  • Placing a redstone torch anywhere adjacent to the lamp, other than on the lamp itself, will power it.
  • Pressure plates, buttons, and levers can all be placed on top of it or next to it, giving it power.
  • Unlike redstone torches, rapidly turning lamps on and off will not burn them out.
  • Just like TNT, you can have a block above a redstone lamp, and a pressure plate on that, and the lamp will light if the plate is stepped on. This can be an effective warning method.
  • Placing one unlit redstone lamp anywhere beside a lit redstone lamp, that is powered directly, will cause the unlit redstone lamp to become lit. (This only happens because the redstone lamp transmits power to the second one.)
  • Redstone lamps can be powered by detector rails, making them an interesting material to use for rollercoasters and lighthouses.
  • Placing an on-state redstone lamp will cause it to deactivate due to the lack of redstone powering the lamp.
  • In the Xbox 360 Edition, it is possible to make an RS NOR latch with a redstone lamp. Whether or not this is a bug is currently unknown. First, place the redstone lamp and place two redstone dust connecting to it. Then, on the opposite side of the dust, place a repeater directing into the lamp and connect it to a redstone torch. Then, destroy the repeater. The lamp should still be on, along with the wiring from the lamp.


Note that lamps are themselves solid blocks, and so power other lamps. This causes the cross-shaped patterns that you see.

A glowing roof is easy to do - just lay wire across the blocks, or line the top of the lamps with redstone blocks. Floors and walls are also do-able. For a floor, just use the "knight's move" shape underneath the floor with torches. For a wall, use wall-mounted torches that power blocks above them.


  1. https://s3.amazonaws.com/ld48/ld22/index.html - Minicraft game made by Notch for Ludum Dare 22.